Environment & Sustainability Policy
Action OHS Consulting are committed to environmental best practice in office management and general operations. Through a process of continual improvement Action OHS Consulting will develop and maintain efficient and effective environmental office practices and will comply with relevant government policy and environmental legislation. Action OHS Consulting’s Head of Marketing and Communications will lead the role to ensure ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement of environmental performance.
Action OHS Consulting commits to minimise its ecological footprint by:
- Incorporating environmental management considerations into core business and management practices;
- Considering environmental impacts of all purchases made and ensuring that, wherever possible, options chosen include recyclable products, minimum packaging and minimum toxic chemicals;
- Considering environmental impacts of all advice and solutions provided to clients – providing reports in softcopy (where possible) and promoting and developing web-based applications to support the “administration” of WHS Programs;
- Creating a culture where sustainable environmental management is considered an integral element of all Action OHS Consulting & Safety Champion Software activities;
- Providing information to employees as to the recycling system and to maximising energy efficiency;
- Regularly monitoring environmental performance; and
- Reviewing this Policy at least every two years to ensure it is relevant and delivering desired outcomes.
In minimising our environmental impact, Action OHS Consulting & Safety Champion Software will consider the following:
- Options for travel during the consultation process, using telephone conferencing when appropriate instead of air travel, using public transport or walking when appropriate, and sharing vehicles as far as possible;
- Filing electronically, rather than in hard copy, to reduce the amount of paper used as part of our Commitment to digital records management;
- Reducing the amount of print copies of documents produced and publishing consultation papers only online;
- Printing double-sided for internal documents, whenever possible;
- Using office paper that is carbon neutral, recycled and/or has an environmental sustainability rating;
- Encouraging the use of e-payments to reduce reliance on paper;
- Dispose of e-waste and hazardous materials correctly; for examples, batteries disposed at local council bins etc.
- Purchasing ‘fair trade’ consumables, if available;
- Ensuring non-essential home / office lighting is switched off overnight and on weekends;
- Ensuring printers, fax machines and computers are turned off on weekends and holidays;
- Encouraging all staff to use the building recycling system for green waste and for mixed recyclables;
- Encouraging staff to use window blinds to regulate the temperature of their offices, particularly during summer months;
- Considering the amount of packaging when purchasing office supplies;
- Sourcing stock for our online shop that consider sustainability indicators; and
- Sourcing office furniture that meets Green Tick Certification – the product meets the requirements of AFRDI
Standard 150:2012 Sustainability Standard – Commercial Furniture.