OHS Audits & Reviews


Our experienced auditors are accredited Lead OHSMS Auditors with Exemplar Global (RABQSA). Rest assured knowing that your audit scope will be well and truly met

One key to a successful OHS audit is the attitude of the auditor. Alongside our qualifications and extensive experience, our consultants come to your workplace with a practical, proactive, and accessible approach.

We ensure that we will provide your business with a positive experience and practical outcomes, which will be considerate of your business’s size and operations.

The OHS audit methodology used by Action OHS Consulting will assist businesses of all sizes and across all industries to improve their workplace safety performance. Our methodology will help you identify the strengths of your OHS Program, and the opportunities that are available to improve your OHS performance.




OHS Audit


Undertaking a health and safety audit (AKA OHS Audit or OHS Review) through Action OHS Consulting will assist you to  evaluate how effective your safety processes are and how well they have been implemented. An OHS audit will assist you to reflect on “safety as done”, compared to “safety as imagined”.

When a occupational health and safety audit is done correctly, it will assist you to continually improve your OHS performance. Once you have an OHS Management System (OHSMS) in place, it is important that it is regularly audited (as a whole or by elements over a period of time). This way, you can evaluate if it is operating as expected. The audit will showcase what is working effectively, whilst also providing direction on opportunities to improve the management of foreseeable workplace OHS hazards and risks.


Complementary services that we offer;


We design structured safety management systems that comply with legislation, relevant Australian and International standards, and your needs. Learn more.


We offer the in-house health and safety support you need, when you need it, with our highly experienced consulting staff.


We have developed an intuitive safety management software to assist with easier implementation of the your safety program, and audits in future.



What to expect from an Action OHS Consulting audit?

We strive to support internal credibility with respect to how your business currently manages health and safety. We will assist you to use the OHS audit program as an opportunity to not only assess what is going on, but to grow and improve. At the completion of our safety audit, we’re sure you will be left with a clean and clear idea of where to go next with respect to your safety management system.


Prior to the audit

Prior to attending your site, our health and safety audit team will provide you with direction so that you can be planned. We will advise which safety documentation we intend to review during the OHS Audit process, and which stakeholders we will be looking to speak with.

During the audit

When onsite, our WHS audit team will conduct both a pre-audit meeting and a post-audit meeting to ensure that there is clear communication with everyone involved with the OHS Audit Program. Our OHS Audit Team will focus on both “what you are doing well” and aim to identify “areas of improvement” with your teams, rather than encouraging a focus on what you’re doing wrong.



What is included in our audit service

  • OHS Management System (OHSMS) Audits (against AS4801 & ISO 45001)
  • National OHS Self Insurance Audit Program (NAT)
  • Retro-Paid Loss Premium Module (WorkCover NSW)
  • 5th Edition Work Health and Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines applicable to all NSW government construction and infrastructure projects.
  • Quality Management System Audit (against ISO9001)
  • Director and Officer Due Diligence Audits (against Section 27-5, Work Health and Safety Act)
  • Site-Specific OHS Audits (e.g. for strata bodies, businesses operating across multiple sites/locations/projects, etc.)
  • Development of Internal OHS Audit Programs.


The methodology we use for OHS audits

Action OHS Consulting use internationally certified Exemplar Global auditors to establish and OHS audit framework and schedule that meets the objectives of the client.

Our audit methodology typically will include:

  • OHS audit planning
  • Defining the OHS audit objectives, scope, and criteria
  • Conducting on-site OHS audit activities (including but not limited to: document review, site inspection, key stakeholder interviews)
  • Identifying auditee’s strengths, opportunities for development and continued improvement
  • OHS audit report development
  • OHS report delivery and presentation


The OHS Audit frameworks we can assist you with

An OHS Audit is an evaluation of a safety system or process. While an OHS audit is most commonly associated with the content and implementation of a business’ OHSMS; an OHS audit can also be scoped to address a specific need of a business. Common OHS audit frameworks that are currently of interest include:

  • OHS Management System Audits (against AS/NZS 4801 and ISO 45001).  An OHSMS Audit has a wide scope, and whilst addressing hazards and risk controls, it also looks at the effectiveness and implementation of your organisational structure and governance, safety planning, responsibilities, implemented procedures, review cycles and measurement and evaluation issues.
  • 5th Edition Work Health and Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines applicable to all NSW government construction and infrastructure projects. All NSW government construction projects with a contract value of $1m need an accredited WHS management system that is consistent with the WHS Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines (5th Edition). This is a key element of the Procurement Policy Frameworks of the NSW Government. These requirements apply for tenders invited from 1 Oct 2013 and subsequent contracts.
  • WHS Directors and Officers Due Diligence Audit (Section 27-5, Model Work Health and Safety Bill). The model work health and safety legislation places positive duties on directors and officers. This OHS audit looks specifically at this section of the model legislation and your business’ performance.
  • Site-Specific OHS Auditing. A site-specific OHS Audit will review how your business performs against a specific chapter(s) of the OHS Legislation or Code of Practice. Examples include but are not limited to first aid, manual handling and noise.
  • Development of Internal OHS Audit Programs. We will review your business with you, to understand your OHSMS and OHS hazards to define what your internal audit program should look like, and establish the appropriate tools to ensure that safety performance is monitored to facilitate continuous improvement.


How frequent should OHS Audits be for success?

Commonly, businesses of all sizes should establish an OHS Audit schedule to facilitate a robust and strong understanding of how safety is implemented in their business operations.

It is advised that an OHS Audit is completed by persons external to your business at a minimum of every 2-years; with persons internal at the workplace completing OHS audits at a minimum of once a year. This will support you to meet and exceed the OHS Audit requirements of AS/NZS 4801:2001 and ISO 45001.