Management Systems


Our consultants work closely with you to ensure that your OHS Management System (OHSMS) addresses – and is specific to – your  business needs and all foreseeable OHS hazards.

An effectively implemented Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is fundamental for a business to deliver an organisationally consistent and effective approach to safety.

It is a planned and structured flow of documented processes that creates and describes an intentional way that a business manages health and safety within their organisation.

These documented processes are typically in the form of OHS policies and OHS procedures. And when implemented successfully, these assist you to assign responsibilities for health and safety, and ensure knowledge retention, which together will create a safe workplace, and assist the business to continue to improve their OHS performance.





OHSMS for success in safety

Whether your business is small or large, basic or complex, your OHS Management System should:

  • Have Senior Management commitment to the management of OHS hazards and risks
  • Be integrated into, and supported by, the organisation’s overall business objectives and targets
  • Have policies and procedures that are specific to the business and its OHS hazards and risks
  • Provide sufficient resources to ensure the OHS Management System (OHSMS) is implemented
  • Align with business as usual activities (if, and where possible), and
  • Ensure that the OHS Management System (OHSMS) is regularly reviewed (via an OHS audit). Workplace hazards and risks will vary over time and change following workplace changes


Our OHS Management System (OHSMS) services include:

  • Development of online and/or paper-based OHS systems, and
  • Development or review of specific OHS policies and/or procedures.

If you would like further information regarding how Action OHS Consulting can assist you with OHS Management System (OHSMS) development and review, please do not hesitate to contact us.



What is a Safety Management System?

An OHS Management System (OHSMS) is a coordinated and systematic approach to managing health and safety risks. When developed professionally and using a proactive approach, a business’ OHS Management System (OHSMS) will assist them to comply with OHS legislation and relevant Australian and International standards. The benefit of pro-active OHS management is a safer workplace, achieved by the elimination and/or management of OHS hazards.


Benefits of an OHS Management System (OHSMS)

There are clear links between a good OHS Management System (OHSMS) and long-term business efficiency. An OHS Management System (OHSMS) can benefit any organisation, no matter how small or large, by:

  • Making health and safety accountabilities and responsibilities clear
  • Ensuring that health and safety process knowledge is not lost over time
  • Reducing injuries and injury-related costs. A clear commitment to health and safety will see businesses pre-empt injuries, through the activation of Incident and Hazard Reporting, along with Hazard Identification and Risk Control processes. Employers save money on medical expenses, the injured employee’s wages, insurance claim excesses,  replacement labour and increased workers’ compensation insurance premiums
  • Providing measurable systems that can verify OHS performance
  • Demonstrating that the organisation is meeting legal requirements
  • Enhancing the organisation’s reputation,
  • Improving business opportunities. If you supply goods and/or services, many of your potential clients favour purchasing products or services from businesses with an established OHS Management System (OHSMS).

Developing and reviewing your OHS Management System (OHSMS)

Action OHS Consulting will work with you to review workplace hazards and integrate current OHS, Workers Compensation, and corporate wellbeing policies, procedures and forms, taking into consideration relevant legislation and the requirements of AS/NZS4801 and ISO 45001.

The time taken to develop an OHS Management System (OHSMS) will vary depending on the client. Generally, the elements of a robust OHS Management System (OHSMS) will include:


  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Management System Scope
  • Roles, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities
  • Planning, Objectives, Goals, and Targets
  • Legal and Other Requirements;
  • Risk Management
  • Hazard, Incident Reporting and Management
  • Consultation and Communication
  • Training, and Competency
  • Contractor and Supplier Management
  • Inspection Testing and Monitoring
  • Purchasing/Procurement Management
  • Document Creation and Control
  • Records Management
  • Health Monitoring
  • Emergency and Critical Incident Planning
  • Measurement and Evaluation.

Following the initial development of an OHS Management System (OHSMS) or the review of OHS Policies and Procedures (where applicable), Action OHS Consulting will work to develop an action and communication plan with the business to facilitate effective implementation.




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